
people i work with

here are a few mini portraits i did on a project day at work awhile ago; corel painter, super short ones! and i swear on your life this is exactly what they look like

Rob; my deskbuddy fo lyfe

Shiho; token japanese gurllll

Wade; our fearless leader and CEO

Dave; he really looks like this but not as creepy

Daehan; part of the humidifier club

Sean; oh sean

Diana; intern with the mostest! 
Josh; CTO with the longest eyelashes award


Lisa Tao said...

these are awesome!!!!!!
lol funny how you used some stock frame pictures

Unknown said...

wad about me! why wasnt i posted D:<

Unknown said...

wad about me! why wasnt i posted D:<

Laura Z said...

ya i was totally being lazy and for sake of quick presentation!

VIV! ill post the rest later! they were so quickyl done and not the same

Laura Z said...


debbie said...

yay art is looking great laura

Laura Z said...

thanks debbie! URS TOO! i will visit ur blog more methinks